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Home Blog How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: Tips and Tricks

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: Tips and Tricks

05 Nisan 2023

In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for keeping birds away, and we'll also discuss some effective bird deterrent products from BG Group.

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: Tips and Tricks


Birds are a common sight in many neighborhoods, and while they may seem harmless, they can cause damage to your property and create unsanitary conditions. Whether you're dealing with pigeons, seagulls, or other types of birds, there are several ways to keep them away from your property. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for keeping birds away, and we'll also discuss some effective bird deterrent products from BG Group.


Tip #1: Remove Food Sources


One of the most effective ways to keep birds away from your property is to remove their food sources. This includes keeping garbage cans sealed and disposing of food waste promptly. It's also a good idea to keep outdoor eating areas clean and free of crumbs and food scraps. If you have a bird feeder, consider moving it away from your house and cleaning it regularly to prevent buildup of bird droppings and mold.


Tip #2: Install Bird Spikes


Bird spikes are physical deterrents that prevent birds from landing on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces. They work by creating an uneven surface that birds can't land on. BG Group's bird spikes are made from durable materials and are easy to install. They come in different sizes and can be customized to fit your specific needs.


Tip #3: Use Bird Netting


Bird netting is another physical deterrent that prevents birds from landing on or near your property. It works by creating a barrier that birds can't penetrate. BG Group's bird netting is made from high-quality materials and can be customized to fit any size or shape. It's also easy to install and can be used on a variety of surfaces, including roofs, balconies, and gardens.


Tip #4: Use Ultrasonic Bird Repellers


Ultrasonic bird repellers emit high-pitched sounds that are designed to deter birds from landing on your property. They work by creating an uncomfortable environment for birds, making them want to leave. BG Group offers a range of ultrasonic bird repellers that are safe for humans and pets and are effective in keeping birds away.


Tip #5: Use Visual Deterrents


Visual deterrents are another effective way to keep birds away from your property. They work by creating a visual disturbance that birds find unappealing. Some examples of visual deterrents include reflective surfaces, predator decoys, and scare balloons. BG Group offers a range of visual deterrents that are effective in keeping birds away.


Tip #6: Install Bird Wire Systems


Bird wire systems are another physical deterrent that prevent birds from landing on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces. They work by creating a barrier that birds can't penetrate. BG Group's bird wire systems are made from high-quality materials and can be customized to fit any size or shape. They're also easy to install and are effective in keeping birds away.


Tip #7: Use Bird Gel


Bird gel is a sticky substance that creates an uncomfortable landing surface for birds. It works by making it difficult for birds to grip onto surfaces, making them want to leave. BG Group's bird gel is safe for humans and pets and is effective in keeping birds away.


In conclusion, there are several ways to keep birds away from your property, and BG Group offers a range of effective bird deterrent products. By removing food sources, using physical deterrents, and implementing visual and ultrasonic deterrents, you can create an environment that birds will want to avoid. Contact BG Group today to learn more about their bird deterrent products and how they can help you keep birds away from your property.


The Hidden Dangers of Bird Infestations on Your Property


Birds are a common sight in many neighborhoods, but did you know that their presence on your property can pose hidden dangers? While they may seem harmless, birds can cause damage to your property and create unsanitary conditions. In this article, we'll explore some of the hidden dangers of bird infestations and how to protect yourself.


Health Risks


One of the biggest dangers of bird infestations is the potential health risks they pose. Birds can carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella, E. coli, and West Nile virus. Their droppings can also harbor harmful bacteria and fungi that can cause respiratory issues and other health problems. Inhaling dried bird droppings can lead to a condition called Histoplasmosis, which can cause fever, coughing, and chest pain.


Material Damages


Birds can also cause significant damage to your property, resulting in expensive repairs. For example, their droppings can corrode metal surfaces, such as gutters and air conditioning units. Bird droppings can also damage roofs and building facades, as well as destroy insulation and clog drainage systems. If left unaddressed, these issues can lead to costly repairs and even compromise the structural integrity of your building.


Building Damage


In addition to the potential health risks and material damage, bird infestations can also threaten the physical structure of your property. Birds often build nests in or on buildings, which can clog gutters and drainage systems, leading to water damage and leaks. Bird nests can also block air vents, which can cause ventilation issues and even pose a fire hazard.


Protecting Yourself


Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the hidden dangers of bird infestations. First, it's important to remove any existing bird nests and clean up any droppings. Consider installing bird deterrent products, such as bird spikes or bird netting, to prevent birds from landing or nesting on your property. It's also important to regularly inspect your property for signs of bird activity and address any issues promptly.


In conclusion, bird infestations can pose hidden dangers to your health, property, and building structure. It's important to take steps to protect yourself by removing any existing nests or droppings, and installing bird deterrent products. If you suspect a bird infestation on your property, contact a professional bird control service to help you safely and effectively address the issue.


Effective Bird Deterrents: Which One is Right for You?


Birds can cause a variety of problems for property owners, from creating unsanitary conditions to causing damage to buildings and other structures. Fortunately, there are several effective bird deterrents available that can help keep birds away from your property. In this article, we'll explore some of the most popular bird deterrent methods and help you determine which one is right for you.


Method #1: Bird Spikes


Bird spikes are physical deterrents that prevent birds from landing on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces. They work by creating an uneven surface that birds can't land on. Bird spikes are typically made from durable materials like stainless steel or polycarbonate, and they come in different sizes and shapes to fit different surfaces. They're easy to install and require minimal maintenance.




  • Effective in preventing birds from landing on surfaces
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Easy to install and maintain




  • May not be aesthetically pleasing
  • May require regular cleaning to prevent buildup of debris


Method #2: Bird Netting


Bird netting is a physical deterrent that creates a barrier that birds can't penetrate. It's typically made from high-quality materials like polyethylene and comes in different sizes and shapes to fit different surfaces. Bird netting is often used to cover gardens, balconies, and roofs to prevent birds from roosting or nesting in these areas.




  • Effective in creating a physical barrier that birds can't penetrate
  • Can be customized to fit different surfaces
  • Doesn't harm birds




  • May require professional installation
  • May need to be replaced over time due to wear and tear


Method #3: Ultrasonic Bird Repellers


Ultrasonic bird repellers emit high-pitched sounds that are designed to deter birds from landing on your property. They work by creating an uncomfortable environment for birds, making them want to leave. Ultrasonic bird repellers are typically powered by batteries or electricity and can cover a wide area.




  • Safe for humans and pets
  • Effective in deterring birds from landing
  • Can cover a large area




  • May not work on all types of birds
  • May not be effective in windy or rainy conditions


Method #4: Visual Deterrents


Visual deterrents work by creating a visual disturbance that birds find unappealing. Some examples of visual deterrents include reflective surfaces, predator decoys, and scare balloons. These deterrents are often used in conjunction with other methods, such as bird spikes or netting.




  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Can be effective in deterring birds




  • May not be effective in all situations
  • May require regular maintenance


Method #5: Bird Wire Systems


Bird wire systems are another physical deterrent that prevent birds from landing on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces. They work by creating a barrier that birds can't penetrate. Bird wire systems are typically made from high-quality materials like stainless steel and can be customized to fit different surfaces.




  • Effective in preventing birds from landing on surfaces
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Can be customized to fit different surfaces




  • May not be aesthetically pleasing
  • May require regular cleaning to prevent buildup of debris




Each of these bird deterrent methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the right one for you will depend on your specific situation. If you're dealing with a persistent bird problem, it may be best to consult with a professional bird control company to determine the most effective solution for your needs. With the right bird deterrent in place, you can protect your property from the damage and unsanitary conditions caused by bird infestations.


"Don't Let Birds Take Over Your Property: Tips from the Experts".


Birds may be beautiful creatures to admire from afar, but they can quickly become a nuisance when they start taking over your property. Whether it's pigeons roosting on your roof or seagulls stealing your food, it's important to take action before the problem gets out of hand. Luckily, the experts at BG Group have some tips on how to keep birds away from your property.


Tip #1: Identify the Problem


Before you can effectively keep birds away from your property, it's important to identify the specific species that are causing the problem. Different bird species have different behaviors and preferences, so understanding their habits can help you choose the right deterrent. For example, pigeons prefer roosting on flat surfaces like ledges and roofs, while seagulls are attracted to areas near water sources.


Tip #2: Remove Food Sources


One of the most effective ways to deter birds is to remove their food sources. This includes keeping garbage cans sealed and disposing of food waste promptly. It's also a good idea to keep outdoor eating areas clean and free of crumbs and food scraps. If you have a bird feeder, consider moving it away from your house and cleaning it regularly to prevent buildup of bird droppings and mold.


Tip #3: Choose the Right Deterrent


There are several types of bird deterrents available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, physical deterrents like bird spikes and netting can be effective in preventing birds from landing on surfaces, while visual deterrents like reflective surfaces and scare balloons can create an uncomfortable environment for birds. Ultrasonic bird repellers emit high-pitched sounds that are designed to deter birds from landing on your property.


BG Group's experts can help you choose the right deterrent for your specific bird problem. They can also provide tips on proper installation and maintenance of your deterrent to ensure long-lasting effectiveness.


Tip #4: Consult the Experts


If you're dealing with a particularly stubborn bird infestation, it may be time to consult the experts. BG Group's team of bird control specialists can conduct a thorough inspection of your property and recommend the most effective bird deterrent products and techniques. They can also provide ongoing maintenance and monitoring to ensure that your bird problem is under control.


Tip #5: Don't Delay


When it comes to bird infestations, time is of the essence. The longer you wait to take action, the harder it will be to control the problem. Not only can birds cause damage to your property, but they can also pose health risks through their droppings and nesting materials. Don't let birds take over your property – contact BG Group today to learn more about effective bird control solutions.


In conclusion, by identifying the problem, removing food sources, choosing the right deterrent, consulting the experts, and taking action quickly, you can prevent birds from taking over your property. With the help of BG Group's bird control experts, you can ensure a bird-free environment for you and your family.


"The True Cost of Bird Infestations: A Case Study"


Bird infestations can cause significant damage to your property, resulting in costly repairs and potential health hazards. In this case study, we will explore the true cost of a bird infestation and how it could have been prevented.


The Problem:


A large commercial building in the heart of the city was experiencing a bird infestation. Pigeons had made their home in the building's rooftop and had begun to nest and breed. The constant bird droppings caused unsightly stains on the building's façade and created an unpleasant odor. The bird droppings also contained harmful bacteria and fungi that posed a significant health risk to the building's occupants.


The Consequences:


Over time, the constant bird droppings corroded the building's roof, causing leaks and water damage. The moisture created a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can be dangerous to humans. The building's air conditioning system was also affected, resulting in poor air quality and higher energy bills. The overall cost of the damage was estimated to be in the thousands of dollars.


The Solution:


After assessing the situation, the building owner contacted BG Group's bird control experts. They recommended installing a combination of bird deterrents, including bird spikes, bird netting, and ultrasonic bird repellers. The bird spikes prevented the birds from landing on the roof, while the bird netting created a physical barrier to prevent them from nesting. The ultrasonic bird repellers emitted high-pitched sounds that made the birds uncomfortable and encouraged them to leave.


The Results:


The combination of bird deterrents was successful in keeping the pigeons away from the building. The constant bird droppings stopped, and the unpleasant odor disappeared. The roof was repaired, and the air conditioning system was cleaned, resulting in improved air quality and lower energy bills. The overall cost of the bird infestation was significantly reduced, and the building owner was pleased with the results.




Bird infestations can cause severe damage to your property and can be hazardous to your health. It's essential to take action to prevent bird infestations before they cause significant damage. Installing a combination of bird deterrents is an effective way to keep birds away from your property and avoid costly repairs. Contact BG Group's bird control experts today to learn more about how they can help you keep birds away from your property.

Expert Help for Bird Control Solutions Tailored to Your Needs


If you're unsure which product would be best suited for your situation, BG Group Bird Control Products has over 12 years of experience in the field of bird control. We can assist you with product selection, installation, and maintenance. Call us at +90 (553) 859-59-59 or email us at [email protected] for a catalog, pricing, or product samples.

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