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Home Blog How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: A Guide to Bird Repellent Products

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: A Guide to Bird Repellent Products

13 Eylül 2023

Birds can be a beautiful and welcome sight in nature, but they can quickly become a nuisance when they invade your property.

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Property: A Guide to Bird Repellent Products

Birds can be a beautiful and welcome sight in nature, but they can quickly become a nuisance when they invade your property. From damaging your property to leaving droppings all over, birds can cause significant problems for homeowners and businesses alike. Fortunately, there are various bird repellent products available to help you keep birds away from your property.


In this guide, we will introduce you to the different types of bird repellent products available and provide you with tips on how to choose the right one for your specific bird problem.


  1. Bird Spikes


Bird spikes are one of the most effective bird deterrents on the market. They are made of stainless steel or plastic and can be attached to ledges, roofs, and other surfaces where birds like to perch. The spikes make it difficult for birds to land on the surface, which can deter them from returning.


  1. Bird Netting


Bird netting is another effective bird control method. It is usually made of durable polyethylene and can be used to cover areas where birds like to roost or nest. Bird netting is often used to protect fruit trees, gardens, and other agricultural areas from birds.


  1. Bird Repellent Gels


Bird repellent gels are sticky substances that can be applied to surfaces to deter birds from landing on them. They are usually made of non-toxic ingredients and do not harm the birds. Bird repellent gels are often used on ledges, roofs, and other surfaces where birds like to perch.


  1. Bird Repellent Sprays


Bird repellent sprays are another option for deterring birds. These sprays contain ingredients that birds find unpleasant, such as capsaicin or peppermint oil. Bird repellent sprays can be applied to surfaces or sprayed into the air to deter birds from entering a specific area.


  1. Ultrasonic Bird Repellent Devices


Ultrasonic bird repellent devices emit high-frequency sounds that birds find unpleasant. They are often used in commercial and industrial settings to deter birds from roosting or nesting. Ultrasonic bird repellent devices are usually mounted on walls or ceilings and emit sound waves that are inaudible to humans.


  1. Visual Bird Repellents


Visual bird repellents use visual stimuli to deter birds. They can take the form of reflective tape, balloons, or scarecrows. These repellents work by creating an environment that is not conducive to birds.


Tips for Choosing the Right Bird Repellent Product


When choosing a bird repellent product, it is essential to consider the following factors:


  1. The type of bird problem you are facing: Different birds have different habits and preferences, so it is important to choose a product that targets the specific birds that are causing problems on your property.

  2. The location where the product will be used: Some products, such as bird spikes, are more suitable for specific locations than others. For example, bird spikes are ideal for ledges and roofs, while bird netting is better suited for covering larger areas.

  3. The level of bird infestation: If you have a severe bird problem, you may need to use multiple bird repellent products to effectively deter the birds from your property.

  4. Environmental factors: It is important to choose bird repellent products that are safe for the environment and do not harm other animals or plants.


Birds can cause significant problems for homeowners and businesses alike. Fortunately, there are various bird repellent products available to help you keep birds away from your property. By choosing the right bird repellent product for your specific bird problem, you can effectively deter birds and protect your property from damage and unsightly droppings.


Expert Help for Bird Control Solutions Tailored to Your Needs


If you're unsure which product would be best suited for your situation, BG Group Bird Control Products has over 12 years of experience in the field of bird control. We can assist you with product selection, installation, and maintenance. Call us at +90 (553) 859-59-59 or email us at [email protected] for a catalog, pricing, or product samples.

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